#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h> // For INT_MIN
#define CAPACITY 10000 // Stack maximum capacity
// Define stack node structure
struct stack
int data;
struct stack *next;
} *top;
// Stack size
int size = 0;
/* Function declaration to perform push and pop on stack */
void push(int element);
int pop();
int main()
int choice, data;
while (1)
/* Menu */
printf("----------- MENU ----------------\n");
printf("1. Push\n");
printf("2. Pop\n");
printf("3. Size\n");
printf("4. Exit\n");
printf("Enter your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
switch (choice)
case 1:
printf("Enter data to push into stack: ");
scanf("%d", &data);
// Push element to stack
case 2:
data = pop();
// If stack is not empty
if (data != INT_MIN)
printf("Data => %d\n", data);
case 3:
printf("Stack size: %d\n", size);
case 4:
printf("Exiting from app.\n");
printf("Invalid choice, please try again.\n");
return 0;
* Functiont to push a new element in stack.
void push(int element)
// Check stack overflow
if (size >= CAPACITY)
printf("Stack Overflow, can't add more element to stack.\n");
// Create a new node and push to stack
struct stack *newNode = (struct stack *)malloc(sizeof(struct stack));
// Assign data to new node in stack
newNode->data = element;
// Next element after new node should be current top element
newNode->next = top;
// Make sure new node is always at top
top = newNode;
// Increase element count in stack
printf("Data pushed to stack.\n");
* Function to pop element from top of stack.
int pop()
int data = 0;
struct stack *topNode;
// Check stack underflow
if (size <= 0 || !top)
printf("Stack is empty.\n");
// Throw empty stack error/exception
// Since C does not have concept of exception
// Hence return minimum integer value as error value
// Later in code check if return value is INT_MIN, then
// stack is empty
return INT_MIN;
// Copy reference of stack top to some temp variable
// Since we need to delete current stack top and make
// Stack top its next element
topNode = top;
// Copy data from stack's top element
data = top->data;
// Move top to its next element
top = top->next;
// Delete the previous top most stack element from memory
// Decrement stack size
return data;
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Stack is empty.
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter data to push into stack: 10
Data pushed to stack.
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter data to push into stack: 20
Data pushed to stack.
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter data to push into stack: 30
Data pushed to stack.
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Stack size: 4
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Data => 30
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Data => 20
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Stack size: 1
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Data => 10
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Stack size: 0
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Stack is empty.
----------- MENU ----------------
1. Push
2. Pop
3. Size
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 4
Exiting from app.