What is Array?

An array is a collection of variables of the same data type that are stored in adjacent memory regions.

Practice Coding Question

 Searching and Sorting

  1. Alternative Sorting in C++
  2. Sort a Nearly Sorted Array (K Sorted Array) in C++
  3. Sort an array according to the absolute difference of the given value in C++
  4. Sort an array in the waveform in C++
  5. Sort an array that contains 1 to N elements in C++
  6. Sort an array that contains only 0's and 1's in C++
  7. Sort elements by frequency in C++
  8. Sort an Array of 0s, 1s and 2s in C++
  9. The intersection of Two-Sorted Arrays in C++
  10. Union of Two Unsorted Arrays in C++
  11. Shortest Un-ordered Subarray in C++
  12. Two elements whose sum is closest to zero
  13. Print all distinct elements of a given integer array in C++
  14. Product of maximum in the first array and minimum in the second in C++
  15. Find the minimum length unsorted subarray, sorting which makes the complete array sorted in C++
  16. Insert in a sorted array using Binary search in C++
  17. Delete in a sorted array using Binary search in C++
  18. Find the smallest missing number in C++