#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

 * Global queue declaration.
int queue[100];
unsigned int size = 0;
unsigned int rear = 100 - 1; // Initally assumed that rear is at end
unsigned int front = 0;

/* Function declaration for various operations on queue */
int enqueue(int data);
int dequeue();
int isFull();
int isEmpty();
int getRear();
int getFront();

/* Driver function */
int main()
    int ch, data;

    /* Run indefinitely until user manually terminates */
    while (1)
        /* Queue menu */
        printf("---------------- MENU ----------------------\n");

        printf("1. Enqueue\n");
        printf("2. Dequeue\n");
        printf("3. Size\n");
        printf("4. Get Rear\n");
        printf("5. Get Front\n");
        printf("0. Exit\n");
        printf("Select an option: ");

        scanf("%d", &ch);

        /* Menu control switch */
        switch (ch)
        case 1:
            printf("\nEnter data to enqueue: ");
            scanf("%d", &data);

            // Enqueue function returns 1 on success
            // otherwise 0
            if (enqueue(data))
                printf("Element added to queue.");
                printf("Queue is full.");


        case 2:
            data = dequeue();

            // on success dequeue returns element removed
            // otherwise returns INT_MIN
            if (data == INT_MIN)
                printf("Queue is empty.");
                printf("Data => %d", data);


        case 3:

            // isEmpty() function returns 1 if queue is emtpy
            // otherwise returns 0
            if (isEmpty())
                printf("Queue is empty.");
                printf("Queue size => %d", size);


        case 4:

            if (isEmpty())
                printf("Queue is empty.");
                printf("Rear => %d", getRear());


        case 5:

            if (isEmpty())
                printf("Queue is empty.");
                printf("Front => %d", getFront());


        case 0:
            printf("Exiting from app.\n");

            printf("Invalid choice, please input number between (0-5).");


 * Enqueue/Insert an element to the queue.
int enqueue(int data)
    // Queue is full throw Queue out of 100error.
    if (isFull())
        return 0;

    // Ensure rear never crosses array bounds
    rear = (rear + 1) % 100;

    // Increment queue size

    // Enqueue new element to queue
    queue[rear] = data;

    // Successfully enqueued element to queue
    return 1;

 * Dequeue/Remove an element from the queue.
int dequeue()
    int data = INT_MIN;

    // Queue is empty, throw Queue underflow error
    if (isEmpty())
        return INT_MIN;

    // Dequeue element from queue
    data = queue[front];

    // Ensure front never crosses array bounds
    front = (front + 1) % 100;

    // Decrease queue size

    return data;

 * Checks if queue is full or not. It returns 1 if queue is full,
 * overwise returns 0.
int isFull()
    return (size == 100);

 * Checks if queue is empty or not. It returns 1 if queue is empty,
 * otherwise returns 0.
int isEmpty()
    return (size == 0);

 * Gets, front of the queue. If queue is empty return INT_MAX otherwise
 * returns front of queue.
int getFront()
    return (isEmpty())? INT_MIN: queue[front];

 * Gets, rear of the queue. If queue is empty return INT_MAX otherwise
 * returns rear of queue.
int getRear()
    return (isEmpty())? INT_MIN: queue[rear];


---------------- MENU ----------------------

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 2
Queue is empty.

---------------- MENU ----------------------
1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 3
Queue is empty.

---------------- MENU ----------------------
1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 1

Enter data to enqueue: 10
Element added to queue.

---------------- MENU ----------------------
1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 1

Enter data to enqueue: 20
Element added to queue.

---------------- MENU ----------------------
1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 1

Enter data to enqueue: 30
Element added to queue.

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 3
Queue size => 3

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 4
Rear => 30

---------------- MENU ----------------------
1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 5
Front => 10

---------------- MENU ----------------------
1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 2
Data => 10

---------------- MENU ----------------------

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 2
Data => 20

---------------- MENU ----------------------

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 2
Data => 30

---------------- MENU ----------------------
1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 2
Queue is empty.

---------------- MENU ----------------------

1. Enqueue
2. Dequeue
3. Size
4. Get Rear
5. Get Front
0. Exit
Select an option: 0
Exiting from app.