What is Priority Queue?

A priority queue is a sort of queue that stores items in a queue based on their priority. As a result, it does not support the FIFO (First In, First Out) structure.

Operations :

InsertWithPriority: Insert a queue item with the corresponding priority.

GetNext: remove the element with the greatest priority from the queue and return it. PopElement() and GetMaximum are other names for it.

PeekAtNext (optional): Retrieve the highest-priority item without deleting it.

Implementation with all above queue operations :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
#define MAX 5

// Declaration of priority queue
class PQueue
    int ele[MAX][MAX];
    int count;

    void insertWithPriority(int priority, int item);
    int GetNext(int *item);
    int PeekAtNext(int *item);

// Initialize priority queue
    int i = 0;
    count = 0;

    // All priority value set to -1
    for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
        ele[i][1] = -1;

// Insert item with priority in queue
void PQueue::insertWithPriority(int priority, int item)
    int i = 0;
    if (count == MAX)
        cout << "\nPriority Queue is overflow";

    for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
        if (ele[i][1] == -1)

    ele[i][0] = item;
    ele[i][1] = priority;

    cout << "\nInserted item is : " << item;

// Remove & get element with highest priority in queue
int PQueue::GetNext(int *item)
    int i = 0, max, pos = 0;

    if (count == 0)
        cout << "\nPriority Queue is underflow";
        return -1;

    max = ele[0][1];
    for (i = 1; i < MAX; i++)
        if (max < ele[i][1])
            pos = i;
            max = ele[i][1];

    *item = ele[pos][0];
    ele[pos][1] = -1;

    return 0;

// Get element with highest priority without removing it from queue
int PQueue::PeekAtNext(int *item)
    int i = 0, max, pos = 0;

    if (count == 0)
        cout << "\nPriority Queue is underflow";
        return -1;

    max = ele[0][1];
    for (i = 1; i < MAX; i++)
        if (max < ele[i][1])
            pos = i;
            max = ele[i][1];

    *item = ele[pos][0];

    return 0;

int main()
    int item;
    PQueue q = PQueue();

    q.insertWithPriority(1, 10);
    q.insertWithPriority(2, 20);
    q.insertWithPriority(3, 30);
    q.insertWithPriority(4, 40);
    q.insertWithPriority(5, 50);
    q.insertWithPriority(6, 60);

    if (q.PeekAtNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nPeek Item : " << item;

    if (q.GetNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nItem : " << item;

    if (q.PeekAtNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nPeek Item : " << item;

    if (q.GetNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nItem : " << item;
    if (q.GetNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nItem : " << item;

    if (q.PeekAtNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nPeek Item : " << item;

    if (q.GetNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nItem : " << item;
    if (q.GetNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nItem : " << item;
    if (q.GetNext(&item) == 0)
        cout << "\nItem : " << item;

    cout << endl;

    return 0;


  Inserted item is : 10
    Inserted item is : 20
    Inserted item is : 30
    Inserted item is : 40
    Inserted item is : 50
    Priority Queue is overflow
    Peek Item : 50
    Item : 50
    Peek Item : 40
    Item : 40
    Item : 30
    Peek Item : 20
    Item : 20
    Item : 10
    Priority Queue is underflow