Create, initialize and use pointers with C.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    /* Simple declarations */
    char character = 'C';
    int integer = 1;
    float real = 10.4f;

    /* Print variable value with their memory address */
    printf("Value of character = %c, Address of character = %u\n", character, &character);
    printf("Value of integer = %d, Address of integer = %u\n", integer, &integer);
    printf("Value of real = %f, Address of real = %u\n", real, &real);
    return 0;


Value of character = C,
Address of character = 6422047
Value of integer = 1,
Address of integer = 6422040
Value of real = 10.400000,
Address of real = 6422036