Copy contents from one file to another file with C.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    FILE *sourceFile;
    FILE *destFile;
    char sourcePath[100];
    char destPath[100];

    char ch;

    /* Input path of files to copy */
    printf("Enter source file path: ");
    scanf("%s", sourcePath);
    printf("Enter destination file path: ");
    scanf("%s", destPath);

     * Open source file in 'r' and
     * destination file in 'w' mode
    sourceFile = fopen(sourcePath, "r");
    destFile = fopen(destPath, "w");

    /* fopen() return NULL if unable to open file in given mode. */
    if (sourceFile == NULL || destFile == NULL)
        /* Unable to open file hence exit */
        printf("\nUnable to open file.\n");
        printf("Please check if file exists and you have read/write privilege.\n");


     * Copy file contents character by character.
    ch = fgetc(sourceFile);
    while (ch != EOF)
        /* Write to destination file */
        fputc(ch, destFile);

        /* Read next character from source file */
        ch = fgetc(sourceFile);

    printf("\nFiles copied successfully.\n");

    /* Finally close files to release resources */

    return 0;


Enter source file path : data\file2.txt
 Enter destination file path : data\copy -

Files copied successfully.142 characters copied.